Let me fall if I must fall. The one I become will catch me.
– Baal Shem Tov, 18th century Jewish philosopher
A growing number of employees and middle management feel that the company is lacking in motivation and there is a need to get it back. Again, many organizations are going through large scale changes due to mergers, acquisitions, or growth and so on. These transitions alone can be motivating challenges for any employee and often result in disengagement as people struggle with the change.
Executive coaching interventions can be very effective in resolving this issue as it focuses on the individual and their needs, thus helping them deal with the changes better.
There are some indicators that may be useful for organizations to determine whether executive coaching needs to be introduced into your organization:
#1 Declining Engagement and Increasing Defections
When engagement levels decline in the organization, it can have a severe impact on turnover. When engagement levels drop and people become less motivated at work – which is often a result of change, then you can expect to see a rise in the number of resignations. If this continues unchecked for too long, it may even lead to low productivity as employees are not fully focused on their assigned tasks.
#2 Escalating Employee Stress
Another indicator is increasing stress levels. Again, working in an organization undergoing change can be very stressful. This is especially so if the changes are not communicated well to the employees, and they become apprehensive about their future with the company. If you notice these warning signs of stress or disengagement then it’s time to introduce executive coaching in your organization.
#3 Complaints From Middle Managers and Employees
Employee loyalty is a very important aspect of running any organization, whether it’s a startup or large established company. In order to maintain that loyalty, it must be ensured that employees are properly motivated at all times. So, if you notice increasing complaints about employee engagement or motivation, then it’s time to act.
In order to do this effectively, you may need to understand the root cause of the problem as well. In many cases, these issues can manifest in various ways – for example employee absenteeism, increased sick days, people not showing up on time for work and so on. Understanding and addressing the root cause of these things will go a long way towards solving the problem.
#4 Poor Decision Making at the Top
Authoritative leaders can often make good decisions when a crisis arises in their company. However, it is also true that this situation only lasts temporarily, until the problem is resolved. When employees are trying to come out of a crisis and move on with their lives then they need a leader who can keep his team motivated – a charismatic leader who can not only make good decisions but also motivate others.
Executive coaching is an effective way to get the output from your managers and employees that you need by helping them reach their full potential. If there are any problems in decision making at the top, then executive coaching can help sort that out as well.
#5 Decreasing Sales/Declining Profits
In order for any organization (large or small) to survive and grow, it must generate profits. When those profits begin to dwindle or even diminish then the organization is in trouble – unless they take steps quickly to resolve the issue.
If that decline in profit continues unchecked for too long, then more problems may arise for the company as well. For example, if sales continue to fall and profits start declining, then the organization may find that it can’t pay its employees. And a company which is unable to pay its employees will soon be faced with other problems as well – there may be an exodus of talent and even legal action. So as soon as you notice a decline in sales or profits, then it’s time to introduce executive coaching.
#6 Poor Productivity and High Employee Turnover
Executive coaching is an excellent way to motivate employees who are not performing as well as they can be. If there is high turnover due to low employee productivity then there is a serious issue that must be addressed. Of course, it may be difficult to pinpoint the exact reason for poor employee performance, but you can almost always attribute it to two things – lack of motivation and/or lack of training.
#7 Lack of Focus
If an organization doesn’t have a clear focus or strategy for the future, then employees will lose their motivation and productivity due to indecisiveness. By bringing in executive coaching, you create an environment where employees can work more effectively – because they know exactly what is expected of them. In some cases that may even require re-organizing your company structure and implementing a system of accountability.
#8 Damage to the Corporate Image/Brand Name
Executives naturally take pride in their company, which is often referred to as their “brand.” And that brand has an impact (positive or negative) on the company’s image. If employees are doing something that puts the brand (and by extension, the company) in a negative light, then executive coaching can help.
#9 Credibility of Management/Company Declines
A loss in credibility is one of the signs that may indicate that a corporation (or any organization) is about to go under. It’s sometimes difficult to determine which factors contribute most to this loss in credibility. However, executive coaching can help improve a company’s reputation by creating a more positive work environment.
#10 Poor Performance at the Board Level
When executives look back on their performance and accomplishments, they often have an “ego trip” about how great their job is. The reality of it may be that the organization is suffering from some of the problems listed above. By bringing in an objective and unbiased third party, you create a safe environment where executives can discuss their performance and get honest feedback – which they might not otherwise hear about from management or employees.
#11 High Turnover on the Board Level
If there is high turnover among your board members then this could be another sign that a corporation is on its way to going out of business. While it’s possible that some board members are leaving due to retirement age or other personal circumstances, it may also mean that they have lost faith in the organization. Executive coaching can help us identify the root cause(s) for this lack of confidence which will lead to positive changes inside of the organization.
#12 High Turnover among Senior Management/Executives
This is another sign that a corporation (or any other type of business) may be in trouble. If key management personnel are leaving because they became bored or unimpressed with their job, then this could indicate that there are problems at the executive level which need to be addressed.
How do you know that the executive coaching intervention is working?
There are five key elements to determine this – behavior change, attitude change, achievement of goals and improved relationship with management.
Behavior change: A positive behavior change is often the best indicator of whether executive coaching has been successful. An employee who was previously unmotivated or unfocused may now be more energetic and focused in his/her work efforts.
Attitude change: An employee’s attitude can indicate whether he/she feels that the intervention has been effective. This may be reflected in a more positive outlook, greater willingness to help others and generally being more satisfied with his/her job.
Achievement of personal or organization-level goals: The purpose of executive coaching is to help an employee reach his/her full potential and achieve success within the company. One way this can be done is by setting specific, reasonable goals that are both focused on the individual as well as the overall good of the company. Once these goals have been met (or were achieved at a much higher rate than anticipated), it can be determined that executive coaching was effective.
Improved relationship with management: This goes hand-in-hand with the previous point in that one sign of a successful coaching intervention is an improved relationship between the employee and his/her supervisor or manager. If the two parties are now able to communicate freely and openly, then the intervention was a success.
Improved relationship with peers or subordinates: While improved communication is important, so is the ability to work in a team environment. This may be reflected in an improved relationship between the coaching individual and his/her peers or subordinates.
Executive coaching can help corporations avoid poor performance and other problems that could lead to bankruptcy. By creating a realistic but optimistic vision for the future, a corporation can create a culture of hope and success. This in turn generates greater productivity and motivation among employees which directly translates to financial success. Further, by implementing some or all of the suggestions outlined above, corporations will be on their way to becoming more efficient and productive businesses. You can also check out the 9 KEY THINGS TO KNOW YOU’RE GETTING YOUR ROI FROM EXECUTIVE COACHING for additional details on how to know whether the executive coaching intervention is working.
If you are still uncertain as to whether executive coaching might be helpful in your business, use the above signs to determine if it is a good idea. If there are significant flaws in your corporate culture, then executive coaching can help fix them and allow business leaders to focus on running their organizations instead of dealing with internal issues.
If you are ready to implement an executive coaching intervention, please contact us.